Wow, major updates!
Hi everyone, it's me!
Wow! June really just happened, eh? I feel like so much has come together within a span of two days.
1. My UK visa was approved!! Thank god. You can watch the video here in case you missed it. I'm allowed to stay in the UK until January 2026 at which point, we get to repeat the process all over again :) Unfortunately because I switched visa types a few times, I'm not eligible for what they call "indefinite leave to remain" yet, but I should be in a few years...
2. I received my new Biometrics Resident Permit card a few days later! Which means - the whole visa renewal process is done and I'm allowed to travel outside of the country! Which means...
3. I'm in the middle of packing for Canada! I'll be back home in Ontario by the time you read this (fingers crossed). I'm a bit anxious because I was so ill on my last trip home that I spent the whole time in bed. It would be really great if that didn't happen again!