It's been a busy month!! I need a nap
Hi everyone, it's me!
We've got a lot of stuff to catch up on!
First: I got sick again. I wish that was a joke but actually it was just really annoying. Thankfully as I'm writing this, I'm healthy! Hurray! Fingers crossed!! I can't wait for the time when getting exposed to a few germs doesn't keep me couch-bound for weeks at a time.
I'm also working on getting laser eye surgery! I had a second-opinion consultation this month and I'm tentatively booked to get it done this coming September. I have to wait because...
I'm going home to Canada soon! I want to be able to enjoy the pool and sun without worrying about damaging my eyes so I think it's best to save the surgery until I'm back in England again. We're going to Ontario for a few weeks so I'm excited but also nervous. I got really ill last year and I just hope it doesn't happen again!
We also had the Coronation this month! I told you it's been busy. I didn't make the trek into London because:
1. I hate crowds and
2. standing in the rain for hours to get a glimpse of the carriage wasn't super enticing..
But if you went, I hope you had a great time! I hosted a watch-along in our chatroom on Discord which was really fun instead. Community members who support me on Twitch or the upper-tiers on Patreon have access to our chatroom, it's great in there (I promise).
And also... I submitted my visa renewal!! I cried a few times and panicked a few more, but it's done and now it's in the hands of the Home Office. I've also attended my Biometrics Appointment (that's where they take your photo and fingerprints) so now all I can do is wait. I screwed up, though. My tickets for Canada are at the end of June, but I can't leave the UK until I hear back about my visa.. so fingers crossed it's done in time!! If you want to watch the drama, I made a Youtube video all about it.
Annoyingly, they don't give you progress updates on your visa - I'll only hear anything once they've reached a final decision. The woman at my Biometrics Appointment said most results are received within 6 months...