Is it Spring yet? 🌸
Hi everyone, it's me!
Have a good month? I hope so. February was productive, calm and exciting. I feel like I've finally got a handle on content again after the chaos of December and January. I'm really excited about upcoming videos and trying out new ideas - I hope you like them, too!
As part of our Book Club on Patreon, we read Silver Linings Playbook this month which I really enjoyed! I never saw the movie so it was nice going into the book totally blind.
I've also been re-reading all my Harry Potter books. When my mum came to visit in December, she brought over as many of my old copies as would fit in her suitcase and it's been so wholesome re-reading them. I think I only ever read them once as a kid so it's been really fun - there's so many bits I totally forgot. Harry Potter was the series that really got me into reading and it feels so nice using my own copies from when I was a kid 10/10 very nostalgic.
And with that - it's March! My birthday! Queue existential panic! But more on that in my next email.