Hey November!

Hi everyone, it's me!
Happy November, everyone! October went by in a flash.. I think I blinked or something.
I actually got loads of reading done this month - a big standout was The Man Who Died Twice by Richard Osman (the second book in the Thursday Murder Club series). I loved it! It's so British, I was smiling throughout it. I'll definitely be reading the third book and I can't recommend the series more!
The rest of the month has really just been work (lol) how boring. But sometimes like is just like that, I guess. When I can, I've still been putting in time at the gym, going for walks and ~trying~ to re-learn the keyboard, although that hasn't been so successful... we'll get there, eventually!
My mom has booked flights to come visit me in December, which is really exciting! I've already created a spreadsheet of ideas for us to do.. She's never been to England at Christmastime before, so that'll be fun to show her how the Brits do it!