Goodbye, 2022!
Hi everyone, it's me!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Hope you've had a great December, filled with too much food, fuzzy socks and good memories. I'm writing this from the couch with a severely sore throat... I can't speak, but at least I can type!
The big event this December was my Mom visiting England - I put together a video on my Youtube channel about some of the stuff we got up to! I'm so grateful we had a good time together (and I wasn't sick while she was here). I'm hoping to go back to Canada in the summer, so fingers crossed.
Some people were upset as to why my Mom wasn't in my video - which I understand. I share so much of myself and my personal life on the internet, but some things I want to keep offline, including my family and my partner. Not to say the internet is a terrible place, but I personally don't think it's healthy to put your entire being and your loved ones online - some things should be kept just for you. Hope you understand!
Christmas here was great and thankfully I didn't get sick until afterwards! It's crazy how much time goes into "making" Christmas and then the actual event goes by so quickly... but I love having the Christmas tree up - it makes everything much more cozy. That being said, I'm excited to get back into my regular routine once I'm feeling better. Hopefully sooner rather than later!
This month I read The Reading List and absolutely loved it. Proper 5/5 star book. It's quite sad and some of the themes are difficult to read about before going to bed (like loneliness and grief) but overall the writing, the plot, the characters were so good. If you're looking for a new book, definitely give this one a try.