Arrivederci, March!
Hi everyone, it's me!
Hope you had a lovely March! This month has been equal parts quiet and chaotic. I've been doing so much planning lately - for my upcoming trip to Italy, my friend's visit next month, my visa renewal shortly afterwards and a trip back home this summer!
I'm excited but also terrified, mainly for my visa application. It's a renewal for my current visa so at least you're not applying for a brand new one. But with a renewal, you still have to pay £££ and submit all the required documents and evidence (basically the same amount as the first application). Stress!! So much stress! And it's purposely difficult so you only apply if you really want to. And I really want to. So here we go, once again.
I also had my first laser eye consultation! That was an interesting experience and I'll be looking to get a second opinion next month - just to be sure. But the dilating eye drops they gave me meant I was the only person on my train home wearing sunglasses lol
I'm just finishing packing for our trip to Italy this week! Ahhhhh!! I don't think I'll be posting any Italy content on Youtube, but I'll definitely be posting photos on Instagram and some videos on Patreon!